
In today’s digital age, leaders, experts, influencers, and creators find themselves navigating a sea of cross-platform inboxes, while a burgeoning demand for mentorship, particularly among the youth, remains unmet. Traditional media channels offer a mere 5% likelihood of a response from high-profile individuals. How do we bridge this gap between seekers and providers of expertise?

The Solution

CARSLE is a platform designed to connect users with expert consultants who can provide personalized advice and solutions to their most pressing questions and challenges.

Who's Carsle for?

CARSLE is open to anyone, with a focus on serving the African community. It is particularly beneficial 
for industry leaders, experts, influencers, creators, professionals, and anyone seeking consultation and mentorship.

How does Carsle work?

Users can sign up on CARSLE and either grant consultations as verified experts or receive consultations as users seeking advice. Verified users have a blue tick next to their profiles and can both grant and receive consultations, while unverified users can only receive consultations.

Consultations on CARSLE cover a wide range of topics and industries, including business, entrepreneurship, career development, personal growth, health, finance, and more. Users can find experts in their desired field and request consultations accordingly.

Users pay for consultations by the minute at rates set by experts, with payments processed securely through the platform.